To the Editor:
In the article “Parents Sue Lucy Calkins, Fountas and Pinnell, and Others Over Reading Curricula” (Dec. 4, 2024) the reporter outlines concerns from educators about the lawsuit filed against literacy curricula developers and the future implications of allowing such a lawsuit. I have a few thoughts as a parent of two small children and as an educator.
First, as a parent, I find it highly commendable that these parents took notice of the disparities in their children’s education. The fate of education across the country would look a little less bleak if more parents took an active role in their children’s education, especially when it comes to literacy development. Second, in my experience as an educator and parent in Texas and Oklahoma, I have had to dig around for answers about who makes the curricula decisions. Statewide, essential standards are published but it is often up to individual districts to choose curricula and train and monitor its delivery by individual teachers.
Why do some school districts put little effort toward ensuring published curricula are backed by research? What qualifies certain administrators to make those decisions for entire districts? Why aren’t teachers, who are meant to be professionals, included? The system is broken on so many levels regardless of subject matter or grade level. The children are always the ones who suffer from the adults’ failure to reach any resolutions.
The EdWeek article points out that the plaintiffs in the lawsuit were able to remedy their children’s poor performance on English/language arts assessments through private tutoring and resources. This highlights the true meaning of the “reading wars.” Children who only have access to free public education should be able to trust that the curriculum and instruction they receive is setting them up for success. Socioeconomic status does not determine a child’s right to education. Literacy education shouldn’t be seen as a source of profit or even debate: It’s a lifeline to our society’s future.
Lauren Barbee
Fort Worth, Texas
Read the article mentioned in this letter
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